Hi ,
Often we go through each day thinking and acting in familiar and predictable ways. We have schedules and routines we follow, and interactions with others with whom we feel comfortable. We take the same routes to work, eat at the same restaurants, socialize with same circle of family/friends, etc. There are many benefits to doing this, including the ease of decision-making and the
sense of control it provides us. A drawback of this is that it can limit us in ways we may not be aware of. For example, it is often by going outside our comfort zone that we discover our strengths, and experience something new that brings us joy or meaning.
Meeting people from different walks of life, cultures, or countries has extraordinary gifts. These include helping us see with greater clarity our similarities and uniqueness in perspective, values, lifestyle, and philosophy. Our opportunities and sense of what may be possible for our Selves also expands as we become open to new situations and connections. Interacting with someone who we
might not normally speak with increases our awareness of possible preconceived notions or stereotypes we may have, and allows us to shift our perspective. This is one of the aspects of traveling that I love the most. It facilitates that opening naturally.
On my current travels to Oregon, I’ve already met a handful of new people from many different walks of life. Hearing about their life challenges, simple joys, dreams for them Selves (i.e. moving abroad, starting a farm) and fears have been affirming of our collective humanity, and expansive in the sense of what is possible. However, we don’t need to be on vacation or travel to another place
to begin opening our Selves😀
Ways Of Opening:
Consider different ways you could be more open – perhaps expanding your social circle with new friends, or individuals of a different age group, race, or culture. Other possibilities might include engaging in a new activity/hobby, doing something you don't think you’re good at, or trying something you’ve never experienced before. Have fun…and stretch your Self!
Pay increased attention to your body language in different situations. Are your nonverbals conveying openness and curiosity – a relaxed, open posture or are your arms crossed over your chest, hands closed and body tense? If the latter, consciously open and relax your arms and body, and sit/stand with a receptive posture. Notice any judgments you may be having about
the situation or person you’re with. Bring curiosity and a wondering instead!
This week, notice how open you feel in general, and identify one situation or area in which you would like to be more open. Imagine some of the gifts that could come if you were! Consider a small action you can take to begin, allow your Self to feel some discomfort, and do it! Watch the wonders unfold as you continue to open your Self to life!
Get in touch with me at dr.gionta@gmail.com if you are ready to move forward in your life, and want to feel more empowered and happier overall. We can have a relaxed conversation, and see how working together could be helpful.
Email me to schedule a free coaching session to begin.
Enjoy your week,