Hi ,
Often, something happens and we get “triggered.” Meaning, we experience some type of emotional response to a person or situation, and a particular thought switch goes on. We may have multiple thought switches, however, usually we have our top 2-3 favorites. 😊 One switch could be “what did I do wrong?…what’s wrong with me?…and why does
this keep happening?” Another could be “How could I say something so foolish…What was I thinking…I’m always putting my foot in my mouth.” Lastly, because three’s a charm “I wasn’t invited…I thought they liked me….I never fit in.”
We can think of it as a flipped switch. Once flipped, a particular current of thoughts starts, depending on the situation. We all have these switches – part of being our vulnerable, imperfect, human Selves. As you’ve noticed, these switches often have more of a negative slant. This often leads us to feeling bad about our
Selves and somehow less than.
Ways to Flip the Switch
Reflect on your top two or three switches that most often get flipped by some situation. Notice if there’s a common theme among them, or if there’s a unique emotion connected to each. Possible themes can be not feeling wanted, not feeling good enough, or not belonging or fitting in – all of which lead to the experience of not feeling loved.
Select the one that has the least emotional impact and begin noticing each time it gets turned on. What types of situation(s) or interactions ‘switch’ it on? If you could give this switch a name, what would you call it? For example, it could be the “I’m a big failure” switch. 😊
Decide how you can flip off (oops) – just flip the switch, and instead give your Self grace and compassion in that moment of humanness. What would that look like? Ask your Self how this situation could be seen in a more neutral or positive light? Is it possible that this incident may be more about the other person than you?
This week, identify one of your switches and notice how you feel and react when it gets flipped. What is one small way you can bring more kindness to your Self in that moment? How might the current of thoughts change if you were giving your Self the love and compassion you desired? Go ahead, and try it! Notice the increasing sense of peace you begin to feel. 😊
Would love to hear from you about what you discovered! What is one of your top three switches?
**Get in touch with me at dr.gionta@gmail.com, if you are ready to move forward in your life, and want to feel confident, peaceful and happier overall. We can have a relaxed conversation, and see how working together could be helpful.
Email me to schedule a free coaching session.
Have a great weekend,
Dr. Dana