Hi ,
Often, we may experience an especially challenging day – perhaps due to an illness, accident or work situation. It may lead us to feeling overwhelmed, helpless and stressed, with ‘what if’ and other fearful thoughts. This may last one day, several days, or perhaps weeks. The reality is that we rarely know how the future will unfold, especially in times of uncertainty
or crisis. Despite what we’d like to think of our Selves, we’re not such great fortunetellers 🙂
In times of such uncertainty and perhaps angst, I’ve discovered one of the best strategies is to narrow our time frame.
By this, I mean taking things one day (or one week) at a time, and staying in the present as much as possible. We may notice our thoughts going into the future – trying to foresee, plan for worst case scenarios, and asking what if questions, which often just lead to increased anxiety and stress.
Recently my sweet dog Buddy got injured at the groomers, and was in a lot of pain. The first week was especially challenging, witnessing this and trying to find good pain management, and a more knowledgeable vet. There was one day in particular that was especially hard, with his road to recovery quite uncertain. I noticed my Self beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed
and stressed, not knowing what to do to help him. The next day, Buddy appeared slightly better, for no reason I could identify. Hope increased with some relief, and a renewed perspective. I was reminded again of how impossible it is to accurately predict the future, and how a single day can become a turning point….if we let it.
Letting a Day Make a Difference
- Is there any area of your life now that is filled with uncertainty and worry? Perhaps it feels like a rollercoaster at times. On the more challenging days, notice your thoughts, and ask your Self “Are they in the past, present or future?” Bring your thoughts gently back to the present if they are not. Take some deeper breaths as you do.
- Broaden your perspective. Consider this particular situation may last for a while, and that it might unfold more like a marathon than a sprint. This means it’s even more important to practice good self-care, and to do things regularly that lift your spirits. Take breaks, find ways to laugh, get support. What will help you endure this with as much wellbeing as
possible, and not suffer through?
- Identify what’s in your control and focus on taking those steps. One day at a time. This is especially important if you’re feeling overwhelmed by it all. Give your Self some grace. You deserve it. Acknowledge what you’ve done, and don’t forget to notice the little milestones and progress along the way 🙂
This week, consider one area of your life that may feel very uncertain and difficult at times? Ask your Self, “What tilt in perspective can I consider with this situation?” “How can I give my Self more grace and kindness in dealing with this in the weeks ahead?” “What do I need today to feel supported and capable?” Listen closely, and be open to whatever wise, silly
or unexpected inclination comes up. Then follow it, and notice the new possibilities that appear 🙂
**Get in touch with me at dr.gionta@gmail.com, if you are ready to move forward in your life, and want to feel more empowered and happier overall. We can have a relaxed conversation about coaching together, and schedule a free coaching session if the timing is right.
Tune into my podcast “Living a Vibrant & Empowered Life with Dr. Dana” where I share more in depth – with
examples and stories about wellbeing, boundaries and courageous change. See you there!
Have a great weekend,
Dr. Dana