Hi ,
Too often, when we start working toward a goal or pursuing a dream, we unconsciously think we need to do it alone. Just imagining our Selves
taking on a goal that feels daunting or a dream that seems almost impossible on our own is enough to stop many from even taking the first step! I know this to be true because I’ve been there, a number of times in my life. There are many reasons for this – lack of know how if it’s the first time doing, overwhelm of where to start, well-meaning loved ones telling us it’s a “crazy” idea, “likely to fail,” or “not responsible” Additionally, we often have our own fears and
self-doubts about doing, and receiving such feedback can magnify exponentially such feelings.
What I’ve discovered after much trial and error, and reflecting on my successes (and failures) is that the single greatest factor that’s helped me make courageous changes in my life that felt very scary at the time, and accomplish what I have to date is Not doing it alone.
This can take different forms.
An example of this was when I began feeling burnout at work in 2014, as well as some health issues, and intuitively knew I needed to pause. I wanted to take a sabbatical of at least 2 months – yet I was afraid if I closed my therapy and
coaching business for that extent of time, I would have no business to return to.
I decided to hire a coach, the first time in my life, to help me process the many uncomfortable feelings that were arising, as well as the fearful and limiting thoughts and beliefs. Having
the courage and vulnerability to reach out was invaluable. Spending 2 months in Costa Rica by the water was exactly what I needed to heal and renew. I returned with much energy and renewed joy and appreciation for my work and clients – many of whom chose to wait!
Another example is writing my first book, “From Stressed to Centered: A Practical Guide to a Healthier and
Happier You.” I very likely would not have written it if I hadn’t reached out to a colleague and shared my idea of cowriting a book together on stress and self-care, given our similar areas of expertise. He loved the idea, and the book was “birthed” in our imagination. Actually Doing it, however, took much effort, a significant learning curve into the publishing world, and overcoming many obstacles, including our own internal fears and self-doubts about sharing our voices, stories and expertise
with the world.
There is another form of Not doing it alone that I recently discovered which I love – and am using to complete my second book, my first ebook, and get into better physical shape which I’ll share in an upcoming letter.
Ways to Realize Your Goals and Dreams:
At the start of this new year, what goals and dreams do you have for your Self? IF you haven’t yet paused to reflect on this, give yourself this gift, and do so in the next week. Write them down and make them visible for you to see daily. Your
future Self will be very grateful to present You for doing so.
Consider making a list and writing down the top 5-7 things getting in the way of you moving forward with whatever goal/dream you’ve identified above. Afterwards, identify how Not doing it alone and reaching out for what you need – support, a mindset shift, accountability, knowledge – on 1 of the items
on your list can be the catalyst to taking the first courageous step toward your heart’s desire. Which item did you choose?
This week, reflect on the best action step you can take that will feel empowering, perhaps even exciting, towards realizing a path to your success,
however You define it – which embraces Not doing it alone. What does that look like? And just imagine how Good it will feel to take that step with greater confidence! As my exchange daughter Lorenza often says “You can Do it!" 😀 I wholeheartedly agree!
I have 2 Coaching spots available at this time. Reach out at dr.gionta@gmail.com if you are ready to Not do it alone any longer, and to make 2024 one of your best years yet.
Dr. Dana