The holidays are often a time of joy, cheer and uplifting moments and moods. They take us out of our normal routines, and give us the opportunity to show others how much we love and care about them. This can be through gifts and more deeply, through acts of kindness and giving. Sometimes,
however, unexpected events – such as deaths, illnesses, accidents, and more predictable experiences, like the anniversaries of loved ones deaths or previous hurtful memories around the holidays show up. Often, we don’t want to experience sadness, grief and perhaps anger or traumatic memories during this time of year that’s supposed to be happy. Yet…we do.
Over the past several weeks, I learned of the somewhat unexpected death of a close friend’s husband who I knew well, the very unexpected death of my neighbor’s 26 y.o. son who I’ve come to know in Vegas, and had a health scare
myself. First shock and disbelief, then my old friend Grief arrived. It knocked many times throughout these weeks. Our feelings such as grief, fear and anger are like uninvited guests that arrive at our doorstep. What do we typically do when they knock? Do we ignore them and pretend we didn’t hear the knock; put headphones on to avoid; tell them to go away, they’re not welcome here; or do we run out the back door 😀.
Less frequently do we open the door and kindly (and sometimes,
bravely) invite them in. So we can get to know each of them, and perhaps befriend them over time. All of our feelings serve a valuable purpose in our lives. And they are invaluable guides to what is healthy and right for us…
There’s a beautiful poem called
the Guest House by Rumi, which I often share with my clients, included below. It invites us to practice a welcoming and loving relationship with our feelings. I recommend you read it several times over the course of a month to let the depth and wisdom of his words sink in.
Ways of Relating To Our Feeling:
After reading Rumi’s
poem, reflect on which guest feeling may be showing up most for you now during the holidays. When it knocks, what do you currently do? If you welcome it in, and give it space to Be, wonderful! You are honoring your feelings. If not, what if the next time it arrives unannounced, you pause and thank it for caring enough to show up. Consider putting one hand on your heart, and asking it what it would like you to know…about your Self, situation or life. Then listen closely<3
Consider journaling about whatever Feelings are arising for you during this holiday. Let your Self write for 10-15 minutes freestyle, without thinking about what you want to specifically write, and do it nonstop. Use a timer if you like. Let your heart share freely without any
judgement – trusting there is no right or wrong way to do this. Afterwards, if you like, read it and see if you discover something new or unexpected. Often there’s a pearl or two within:)
This week, notice which guest Feeling you have most difficulty welcoming in. Ask your Self what is it about this guest that makes it difficult? Is it that you feel embarrassed or ashamed when this guest shows up; that you were taught a "nice" person shouldn't have such feelings; or that every time this guest arrives, his/her friend Fear is always there too. What is one small
step you can take toward making this guest feel a bit more welcome... at least opening the door a crack😀Wonderful gifts come over time as we do!
Get in touch if you would like support in developing a stronger and happier relationship with your Self. We can talk further and explore whether working together at this time would be helpful.
Peace and gratitude, Dr. Dana
P.O. Box 284
Mystic CT 06355
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