Because with family events looming and major school and work projects to complete before the end of the year, many of us are feeling stressed and anxious now because we know we will feel even MORE
stressed and anxious soon! Many women feel nervous about setting boundaries because we are socialized to please and often appease those around us. We are taught to be nice, accommodating, pleasant, helpful and even cheerful, often to the point of breaking. We say Yes to this and Yes to that, especially around the holidays – but inside we're wishing we could say No, No, NO!
But it truly doesn't have to be this way. We can learn the signals to know when a Boundary is needed, and the steps to powerfully set one. You will feel more empowered and confident as you do.
Register today for this 5-Week Class. You’ll learn, share and receive support from other women in a small group setting, and have opportunities to talk with me individually, too.
Imagine a holiday without feeling overwhelmed and stressed! It is possible. Email me at today.
To happier & calmer holidays,
Dr. Dana