Hi ,
Often we believe that we can “think” our way to clarity. We may spend months, even years, trying to gain clarity about something – what direction to go in, what career to pursue, whether to marry this person, or how to get our finances in order. This deliberating, and sometimes even
agonizing over, often comes at a high price – lost time and unnecessary suffering. We unconsciously stay in our heads instead of acting, because it feels safer.
Sometimes we believe that we are indeed taking action because we are busy mentally problem-solving, journaling or talking with others repeatedly about our dilemma. This is an illusion.
What if, instead, we make a decision, get out of our head and onto our feet.😀 We move in whatever direction we think is the next best step, or listen to what our intuition may be guiding us to do. Then we give it some time, and reflect on how we feel on this new path. Do we notice more energy, enthusiasm and peace? These are all positive signs that the steps we’re taking are in the right direction. There may be a detour or two ahead, but we’re gaining greater clarity (and feedback) with each step.
Considerations on our path toward Clarity:
There is an important principle in the area of effective leadership. It is to balance thinking (or planning) with taking action. Too much planning can lead to delayed action, and acting too quickly with little thought can result in undesired outcomes. The key is balance. We can also apply this principle to our
Selves – as we lead our own lives.
Sometimes we know it is time to take action, yet we
cannot bring ourselves to begin, because of fear, perfectionism, indecision as to how or where to start etc. One of the best things you can do then is to seek support to help you move forward – whether that’s speaking to a close friend or family member, a trusted co-worker, or a professional coach or therapist.
Trust that greater clarity will come, even if we presently feel like we’re wading through a swamp and can’t see a thing. Take a step, then another. Action creates momentum. No action leads to stagnation. You will receive feedback with
each step, move beyond your comfort zone, and further develop your self-trust and confidence. All good things! Remember, this is a judgment-free path 😀
This week, consider one area of your life where you would like greater clarity. Ask your Self, "How long have I been thinking about this?" And, "Have I taken any real action over the past several months in this area?" If not, what has stopped me? Be as honest as possible with your Self.
Then, identify one action you can take, and start the positive momentum forward by taking it!
Get in touch at dr.gionta@gmail.com if you would like to begin taking action toward your dreams and goals. Moving forward can be challenging. However, feeling more confiden and happier in our lives is worth it!
Enjoy your weekend!