One of the greatest gifts we can give to our Selves is the belief in our Selves – our goodness, abilities, resilience, needs, uniqueness and dreams. Often though, we learn to doubt and question our Selves through our family dynamics and roles, school and work experiences, and societal
dictates about what is “right, good or normal.” This results in us turning outside our Selves to others for answers about our lives. We may frequently check with our friends or family before making a decision, or do a poll asking others’ opinions about something. Less often do we tune inward and ask our Selves what we really think, feel, or intuit about a situation.
And if we do, we often don’t trust it, and indirectly, our Selves. The etymology of believe is to “have faith and confidence in” and to “care, love.” When others question us and show little faith in our abilities or dreams, we have an important choice to make. Do we choose to
believe them (and give our power and what matters to us away) or do we choose to have faith in our Selves. The latter shows care and love toward our Selves.
Life is filled with much uncertainty. Learning to trust and believe in our Selves makes navigating the unchartered terrain and twists and turns easier, and with greater calm. It also allows us to take risks and live more courageously because we believe in our Selves. We know are resilient and
Some Ways to Strengthen the Belief in Ourselves
Notice how often self-doubt comes up for you. Is it daily, weekly? Consider writing down for one week each thought of self-doubt that comes up, and then identify if there are specific themes or decisions that trigger the self-doubt. For example, you notice any time a money matter
arises, self-doubt also is present. This is valuable information. What is one action you can take to develop greater confidence in your ability around money matters (hint: start where your fear is 😀).
Tune in more to the communication and resulting messages you receive from loved ones, friends, co-workers, etc. Do they convey faith in you, perhaps even admiration for your problem-solving and overall abilities? Or do they frequently question you, your ideas/approach, and proceed to
tell you their “better way.” Notice how you feel during and after each type of exchange. Then give your Self permission to do it your way, and evaluate the outcome. What worked well, and what would you do differently the next time? Confidence comes through action.
This week, reflect and identify a time (or decision) in your life when you really believed in your Self. How did it feel, what were you doing, and what factors supported your confidence in your Self at that time? Consider which of these factors
are still present in your life now. If not many, which 1-2 aspects could you reintegrate into your life to support giving your Self this wonderful gift of Believing? 😀
Get in touch at dr.gionta@gmail.com if you would like support in strengthening your belief in your Self and your decisions. We can talk further and explore whether working together at this time would be helpful.
Dr. Dana